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Welcome to Pathways to Hope

Trauma Healing Together offers ‘Pathways to Hope’ to any survivor of psychological trauma in Scotland.  In this program, you will have the opportunity to take part in 24 weeks of trauma focused therapy and 16 weeks of group wellbeing sessions.  Weekly counselling and wellbeing groupwork offers you a chance to explore your individual experience with a counsellor and enjoy the group experience in the wellbeing  sessions.  Both opportunities side by side enhance the work of both the wellbeing sessions and trauma focused therapy.


Within this page, you will find everything you need to know about starting. 


We look forward to welcoming you to Trauma Healing Together and your personal journey on the Pathways to Hope programme.

Meet The Team

You will have been sent out some information about your specific counsellor, however we wanted to introduce you to our core team. We are a friendly bunch so feel free to say hi if you are passing us in the hallway

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Roxanne Kerr

Chief Executive Officer


Janine Core

Project Officer

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Tinusha Abeysinghe

Project Officer- Diverse Ethnic Communities


Molly Stirling

Admin Officer

To read more about the wider team, click HERE.

How to Find us

Your counselling and most of your group wellbeing sessions will take place at our offices which are based at 5a (basement) Atholl Place, Perth, PH1 5ND.


To access our office, look for the Trauma Healing Together sign on the black railings outside. Go down the stairs and enter via the whitedoor which has 5a written on it and ring the door bell. A member of our team will come and greet you and show you where to go.


Our office is a 15-minute walk from Perth Train Station and a 13-minute walk from Perth Bus Station. 

There are lots of pay and display parking near the office or cheaper parking from Bells Sport Centre which is a 8-minute walk away.


Take a look at our offices

Important Information

Here is some information which is useful to read in advance of starting Pathways to Hope. You will be asked to sign the counselling contract and data protection information at your first session with your therapist.

Project FAQ's
Data Protection

Common Worries Answered

We understand that a lot of people have anxiety attending a group and our priority is to make you feel as comfortable and safe as possible. That's why we have put together a list of some common worries that people experience. 


Will I need to tell my therapist everything that has happened to me in the first session?

No. Talking about trauma  can be overwhelming and scary, especially to a stranger. Your therapist will always go at your pace and you get to decide when and what you tell them. For many, trusting people can take time to build up and there is never expectation from us that this should happen instantly.


What happens if I become overwhelmed in group?

You can take part in the session as much or as little as you want. If things get too much, there is space at the back if you want to have some time to yourself or just have a quiet word with us if you need to leave.


Will I be expected to talk about my trauma in the group session?

The sessions are NOT group therapy so you will never be asked to share your trauma and it's important to be mindful that we all have triggers and to be considerate of other people in the group. 

Communication FAQ's

We recognise that different people like to communicate and receive information in different ways. We understand the importance of this and have tried to adapt our processes in order to ensure that peoples communication needs are taken into consideration. Below you will find information about the many different ways we may communicate with you and likewise how you can communicate with us. 

How do I contact you if I have a query about group or therapy?

You can call our office on the following number  01738 248283 or by email at Queries to the client inbox will be picked up by a member of staff.


I have received an email from Kiku but I am not sure what this is

We use a booking management system called Kiku. You will receive automatic email reminders from Kiku about your counselling sessions as well as text reminders, if you have given permission for us to contact you via text. You can opt out of these reminders by logging in to your Kiku account or sending us an email.


Can you tell me how to use Kiku?

Guidance on using Kiku, can be downloaded by clicking on the PDF image here:


How can I contact my counsellor directly?

You can also contact your counsellor directly by logging in to Kiku.


What if I dont know wish to create a Kiku account?

Dont worry, there is no expectation for you to use Kiku. If you want to contact us, you can do so via email or phone. You will still receive automatic email/text reminders from Kiku however unless you tell us otherwise.


Can you tell me about how you use Whatsapp?

We also have a specific whatsapp community group for clients. Through this, you will be able to get information about your group sessions as well as any last minute changes or cancellations to the sessions e.g because of weather or sickness etc. When signing the contract with your therapist, you will have the option to opt into this. You will also get this information via email to ensure that it has reached you so there is no need to be added to the whatsapp group should you not wish to. If you wish at any time to opt out, please let us know.





Client Portal

Through out Pathways to Hope journey, we will ask you to complete some evaluation forms for us. This helps us demonstrate the effectiveness of our work, make important improvements and secure future funding so we can deliver more Pathways to Hope groups. To make this process easier, we have created a client portal which allow people to access these forms electronically. This will be discussed in more detail at your first group session but you may wish to download the portal in advance. This can be done via the QR code or link underneath it. When prompted, please save to your home page. 


Should you wish to claim public travel costs for travelling for your sessions, you will also find the form for this on the portal.

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